Mar 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
31st March for 8 weeks: “Would you like to join a friendly, local art and craft group that welcomes new members living with Dementia, and their friends, family and carers? A new 8 week programme begins Tuesday 31st March, 10:30am – 12noon. Run by Gemma Hobbs...
Mar 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
“We are a friendly, local art and craft group that welcomes new members living with Dementia and their carers. Join us for a special project (10th March) as we make artwork to celebrate the opening of Dementia Friendly Keighley’s new home! For more information or to...
Nov 5, 2018 | Dementia Awareness Sessions in BME communities 2018, Uncategorized
Working towards reaching all sectors of the local community to become dementia friendly by raising awareness, increasing understanding and fostering inclusivity. ROYS PERSONAL TARGET 250 – Friends So Far...